
1 year into the pandemic

Thirteen months ago, the World Health Organization discovered a new coronavirus strain in Wuhan, China. 11 months ago, the Belmont Hill Class of 2020 unknowingly set foot on campus for their last time. Since then, 25 million Americans have been infected with t...

Hybrid vs. In-Person Learning at Winsor and Belmont Hill

In response to varying demographics and school infrastructure, Belmont Hill and Winsor have adapted their traditional school structures differently to accommodate state guidelines regarding COVID-19. While Belmont Hill has employed a “fully in-person” syst...

Another Wave of COVID-19 Hits Massachusetts and the Country

The US hit another record number of Coronavirus cases, with more than 187,000 at the writing of this...

Community Service Continues Despite COVID-19

One of the many casualties of the Coronavirus pandemic has been the myriad of community service oppo...