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Chair Ratings Across the BH Campus

Chapel benches3/5

Obviously, these benches are the practical choice for use in the Chapel. However, other than the fact that the seat usually maintains a good temperature, there is nothing that sets these benches apart.

Desks – 3.5/5

Although desks are lacking on the comfort side, it is the ideal seat option for many classes. Desks are the ideal seating option in a math or science class, where the whole class is taking notes. There is tremendous room for improvement – the stiff back of desk chairs is undoubtedly not its forte. The old-fashioned desk chair gets the job done at the end of the day.

Dining Hall chairs – 3/5

Despite the daily routine of sitting in these chairs, there is not much to complain about the Dining Hall chairs. Sturdy and functional, the chairs in the Dining Hall fit their role. The main issue isn’t within the chair itself; instead, the awkwardness of getting into a seat can arise if one is sitting at a packed lunch table.

Melvoin chairs – 4.5/5 

When thinking about the ideal seating implement, the chairs in Melvoin should come to mind. These well-built chairs combine comfort and utility. The cushion provides a luxurious sedentary experience, while the sturdy back of the chair provides support – it can even hold up the weight of a (misbehaving) leaning-back student (we do not encourage this behavior).

Morse chairs – 1/5

Uncomfortable, old, low-quality – these are generous adjectives when it comes to describing the atrocity that is known as Morse chairs. These Paleolithic fossils are known to squeak obnoxiously if a student chooses even to shift their weight. According to the student body’s experiences, every incident involving a broken chair occurred on the infamous Morse chair. 

Stools – 2/5

The only benefit of stools is their maneuverability. They’re small and easy to stack, which makes them the ideal choice in Robsham. However, sitting on stools for extended periods in a classroom setting will inevitably lead to back pain.

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