You may have seen Mr. Masiiwa on the sidelines of your sporting event or you might have seen him in the admissions office, but I’d like to formally welcome him to the Belmont Hill community. Mr. Masiiwa was born and raised in Zimbabwe and moved to the United States in 2000. He attended Africa University in his native country for two years and then transferred his credits to the University of Massachusetts Lowell to continue his education, where he earned a B.S. in marketing and management. He is now happily married with three children, one of whom is a First Former at Belmont Hill.
Mr. Masiiwa is joining us from Dana Hall where he “wore so many hats” from 2003-2019. One of the many things he was tasked with was being a leader in their community service program. It was this role that allowed him to meet Mr. Collins and Mrs. David, two people that greatly influenced his decision to join us this year. He was also a 10th-grade advisor, a coach, an admissions counselor, and a strength and conditioning coordinator. Something that you may not know about Mr. Masiiwa is that he is a certified personal trainer. He will be using this expertise to help out weight trainers in the coming seasons. Prior to his work at Dana Hall, he was a Portfolio Account Analyst at Putnam Investments, a privately owned investment management firm located in Boston.
Mr. Masiiwa’s official title at Belmont Hill is the “Assistant Director of Admissions” with a focus on community outreach. One of his main goals is to “find kids that are talented and gifted and create pathways for kids that wouldn’t normally apply to Belmont Hill.” He recognizes that there are some kids fortunate enough to go through programs like Steppingstone but there are also many that may not even view private school education as a possibility. I admire Mr. Masiiwa’s and Belmont Hill’s commitment to improving the diversity around campus and I look forward to seeing how this program evolves. Welcome, Mr. Masiiwa!