Schoolhouse Rock Live! was a resounding success, featuring classic Schoolhouse Rock hits such as “I’m Just a Bill” and “Conjunction Junction.” Directed by Ms. Robison and Mr. DiResta, the show faced huge adversity when low numbers at auditions left the directors scrambling for actors. Eventually, they managed to rally a group of students willing to put their hearts and souls into putting on the best possible show. “It was challenging to get a cast to do a musical review in the middle school,” said Mr. DiResta. “But they did an awesome job, and it was heartening to see the effort they all put in.” Despite a rocky start, the cast managed to give Belmont Hill one of its most exciting musicals in recent memory. Starring Form II student Ryan Cannistraro as Tom, a teacher worried about his first day on the job, the show is about a group of iconic Schoolhouse Rock characters emerging from Tom’s television to boost his confidence with songs and dances about different school subjects. Singing and dancing with confidence and enthusiasm, the cast had the audience humming their favorites right along with them. Mrs. Kaplan designed a stunning raised set with various fun props and set pieces to go along with the intricate backdrop. Schoolhouse Rock Live! was an excellent close to the Belmont Hill theater season, leaving everyone who saw the show excited to see what shows can come to life in the Kraft Theater next fall.