The Belmont Hill arts have decidedly blossomed in recent years, and The Prospective was created with a mind to capture the splendor of what we consider now to be a peak, but what we hope is just the beginning of an expansion of creativity at this school. We aspire to establish a newfound hub for self-expression; this publication figures to address every corner of the burgeoning arts community from a perspective seldom seen in school history, and then some.
The Prospective will explore all sorts of music from every genre imaginable, whether it be classical music with appeal to the modern listener (at my own recommendation), or in David Paine’s expertise in the unappreciated realm of metal, or in celebrating rap and hip-hop culture, or in appreciating theater music. And speaking of theater, not only will Belmont Hill theater frontmen offer insider information on our own theater program, but also the thespians will review professional shows like Hamilton. Other reviews, of music, movies, books, food, and more, will abound. Short story writers, members of Short Story Club or not, can feel free to submit their works of fiction for publication.
And we won’t stop there. The Prospective will be so over the top that it’ll make your brain hurt. Upset that there won’t be a Flannel this year? Don’t be, because there probably will be one, but if it doesn’t satisfy your satire desire, come give our publication a shot; nowhere else can you get your fix of Armin Thomas’ epic poetry. We’ll try our best to carry a unique standard for Belmont Hill artists and non-artists alike, because, in all seriousness, that’s our bottom-line goal in the creation of The Prospective: to bring this community a little closer together in a novel way that makes everybody just a little bit happier.