“When I walk through the quad…I see an interest in Science, Technology, Art, and Math. I see a life in education and in persuing a craft. I see creativity and I see passion. And, most of all, I see something I
genuinely like.”
Wind Orchid, made by local kinetic sculpture artist George Sherwood, provides a nishing touch to the academic quad a er the completion of Melvoin Academic Center two years ago. In an all-school meeting dedicated to both the sculpture and art, Mr. Kaplan remarked: “When I walk through the quad and gaze at the George Sherwood sculpture . . . I see an interest in science, technology, engineering, art, and math. I see a life in education and in pursuing a cra . I see creativity and I see passion. And most of all, I see something I genuinely like.” Wind Orchid is symbolic of the current revolution in modern art, and Belmont Hill is honored to have it on our campus.