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Politics on the Hill: Election Year

Political conversation is everywhere these days, so why should Belmont Hill be any different? Political discussion groups have been springing up and gaining popularity, most notably the newest: Politics at X. Continually gaining ground since its recent start, Politics at X is not the only place to discuss the issues of today. Classic clubs such as Young Conservatives exist on campus and have always been a hit amongst Upper Schoolers.
A new forum for general discussion without position or party affiliation was started under the guidance of Dr. Buckley on Thursday, February 18th. The inspiration for such an assemblage developed after students approached Dr. Buckley, desiring a place for politics. Dr. Buckley describes “Politics at X” as “a drop-by, informal, ongoing conversation that anyone is welcome to join in. Given the fast-paced political world in which we live, “Politics at X” provides a weekly meeting place for students to discuss a gamut of issues–policies, parties, campaigns & elections–in an un-intimidating environment.” Sophomore Louis Gounden has taken the lead in publicizing this group. They have built up momentum as was seen on Friday, February 26th, when Mr. O’Leary presented the group’s take on Super Tuesday in Chapel. Mr. O’Leary presented a complete review of the primary process, including: who is/was in the lead, predictions for the election, the process of delegate assignments, and the positives of each candidate. Although the group provided much insight into the politics of today, there is no expertise required to join the conversation, only that you are interested in the conversation.

Revitalized by Commander-in-Chief Nate Miller and Mr. Kirby, the Young Conservatives have been a longstanding group on campus. From fiscal and foreign policy, the
presidential election and societal issues to economic trends, the Young Conservatives analyze problems and discuss solutions. Though the group does embrace a conservative political philosophy, all political views are welcome as without them, there would be no debate, and as Nate puts it, “all members of Young Conservatives have a firm belief that the use of conservative ideas and principles by our government is imperative in order to restore the country to prominence.” Young Conservatives meets on Friday’s at X block and typically discusses current political issues, recaps on debates and other recent political events, as well as statistics and video. Overall, the club offers enlightening details behind policies, discussion on political issues, and a strong sense of American pride and values.

Political discussion is not just confined to meetings at X block, the school-wide primary will take place on Super Tuesday, as the state of Massachusetts goes to the polls as well. Super Tuesday provides an opportunity for many Belmont Hill juniors and seniors to participate in their first presidential election cycle. So whether you are Democrat, Republican, and of voting age or not, if you have political interests, the Belmont Hill campus has a forum for your voice.


Final Results – Republicans: Marco Rubio | Democrats: Hilary Clinton

Stay tuned for an in-depth article on the data!

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