
DOVE Fundraiser Raises Over $2000 for Children’s Toys

On Tuesday, December 10th, the Form V Senate organized a Christmas-themed dress-down day to support the DOVE – Domestic and Other Violence Emergencies – children’s toy drive, raising $2,000 as a result of a successful dress-down donation push in ...

Parking Lot Update

Over the past few months, the parking lot has undergone several new updates. Since construction began, the maintenance team, under the leadership of Mr. Matos, has worked tirelessly to ensure that the updates to the parking system have gone smoothly. After lot...

Donald Trump Inaugurated as 47th U.S. President

On Monday, January 20, President Donald J. Trump was sworn into office as the 47th President of the ...

Justin Trudeau Steps Down as Canadian Prime Minister

On Monday, January 6th, Justin Trudeau announced that he would be stepping down as Prime Minister of...

New Faculty Chairs Celebrated in Chapel

On Friday, January 10, five teachers were publicly celebrated after last year’s induction as endow...

Consul General of France in Boston Visits BH

On November 22, Belmont Hill welcomed Mustafa Soykurt, the current Consul General of France, for an ...

Sustainability Club Cleans Up Trash

The Sustainability Club, headed by Alex Zhang ’26 and Thomas Danahy ’26, completed their first c...

Hockey Olympian Megan Dugghan Speaks at Chapel

On December 2, Belmont Hill welcomed hockey superstar Meghan Duggan to speak in Chapel about her lea...

Mr. George Speaks at Veteran’s Day Chapel

On November 11, Belmont Hill’s Mr. George gave the annual Veterans Day chapel presentation, sharin...

Mr. Kaplan Speaks at Thanksgiving Day Chapel

On November 26, Mr. Kaplan ’83 reflected on some of the great Belmont Hill teachers in honor of Th...