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Acting Class Performs in the Chapel

Recently, the acting class took the Chapel stage to perform an improv skit entitled “Dinner Party.” The skit consisted of a “host” and several “guests” at a Belmont Hill reunion. While the host, Tommy Folan 25’, was outside the building, the school community decided on themes for the guests to center their conversations around. The host then reentered the building and greeted the guests as they took the stage. Through brief conversations with each guest, Tommy was tasked with identifying the theme each guest was given. When Tommy got close to identifying the theme, the audience snapped to help Tommy in his endeavors. The skit the acting class put on for the school community was captivating and served as a stress reliever for students by prompting laughter and genuine enjoyment in the stressful pre-vacation time. 

When interviewed, host Tommy Folan shared how stressful it was to identify the difficult theme of the last guest; ultimately, however, he said, “The performance was a success in the eyes of me and my classmates.” Tommy also discussed the exercises that Mr. Diresta and Mr. Ojeni put the group through to prepare for the performance: “We played a game called Freeze where we practiced our improv skills, we did exercises in channeling emotions, and projection exercises in the chapel where we practiced speaking loud and clearly.”

The exercises the group went through proved effective, as the performance put on by the acting class was a resounding success.

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