
Farmers’ Club Introduces Chickens on the Hill

From the random thoughts tossed around between teammates on the way home from a game, Farmers’ Club was born. Jake Pappo proposed a novel idea to Liam Peterson, Charlie Mullaney, and Jack Weldon: his intention to hatch a chick from a store-bought egg. Despite laughing at the idea initially, others began to regard Pappo’s plan more seriously. In subsequent weeks, a once-ridiculed suggestion took shape, and many students played an instrumental role.

Weldon organized the logistics with environmental science teacher Dr. Davis, and they laid out a plan to obtain the chicks, raise them to maturity, and ensure their protection. Peterson spearheaded the construction of the coop. Over the summer, Peterson and his father combined their supreme craftsmanship abilities to start work on a coop, painted red and white in a barn theme, behind the Science building. Now a five-day boarder, Peterson worked extensively on the 8’ x 8’ cage in which the chickens are able to live as if on an actual farm. As the coop nears completion, the Farmers’ Club has leveled out a patch of land where the chickens’ ultimate home will sit.

All the students needed now were the chicks. After the group prepared the brooder, equipped with a heat lamp, pine shavings, and vitamin-enhanced chick feed, Weldon ordered the chicks from the animal supply website Purely Poultry. Within ten days, a box with three peeping chicks inside arrived at the post office. Named Cutlet, Parm, and Nugget, the three Barred Rock chicks live in the Science building, where they spend the day eating, drinking, and resting under the heat lamp. The chicks have developed a close bond and panic immediately if left alone. Despite their initial timidity, the chicks have adapted to handling and jump into human hands to perch. As the three lively, healthy chicks continue to grow, the Farmers’ Club looks ahead to the future. The chicks, laying eggs on a near-daily basis eventually, will grow to full size and live in the coop. Beyond its own enjoyment of these eggs, the group plans to donate the fresh produce to nearby food shelters. As Farmers’ Club continues to grow, even more exciting plans for the future will arise. Stay tuned, and farm on.

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