
Debate of the Issue: Latin v. Modern Language

Thomas McEvoy and Chetan Shukla Modern: As rising Third Formers finalize their language selections, the hotly-contested debate of Latin vs modern languages has never been more relevant; however, in a rapidly diversifying, exceedingly interconnected world, th...

Classics Club Bursts into Extracurricular Scene with Coin Exhibit

Tommy Smith and Will LaFarge This school year the Classics Club, for students of Latin and Greek in the upper school, was created. With French club, Spanish club, and Chinese club already established, Belmont Hill now boasts a club for each of the languages ...

The Language Requirement At Belmont Hill

Whether he likes it or not, every student at Belmont Hill must take a language at least through leve...

Rome MMXVII – A Travel Series

This spring break, The Panel Online will be covering the 2017 Belmont Hill Rome Trip. Throughout the...

How to Win an Election – Familiar Advice from Ancient Rome

Cicero Denounces Catiline (1888) – This Cesare Meccari painting depicts M. Cicero as he accu...