
Should Seniors Need to Attend Panel Carving Class?

At first, I was apprehensive. Panel carving class? Whoever heard of such a thing? I had just been given the gift of an extra free block only to have it ripped away twice a week along with a biweekly loss of a long block. I knew I had to carve a panel, but I di...

Stereotypes – A Letter to the Editor (Vol. 30, No. 3)

This year, the 66th Editorial Board of The Panel has chosen two core themes for the publication — retrospection and celebration. From exploring the history of the Hamilton Chapel, to considering the announcements of the most recent Heads of School, we at The...

“Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears”

“His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy…” – Eminem Public speaking is ...

Ms. Gray Joins Belmont Hill Community as Interim Library Director

Earlier this semester, the Belmont Hill community welcomed Ms. Liz Gray as the interim director at t...

From the Archives: “Why a Newspaper” (Vol. 1, No. 1)

This year, the 66th Editorial Board of The Panel has chosen two core themes for the publication — ...

Why I See My Panel – A Reflection by a Belmont Hill Alum

The following article was written by Belmont Hill alum Dylan Hayre ’04. Mr. Hayre returned to ...

Welcome to The Panel Online!

Welcome to The Panel Online, the official website for Belmont Hill’s Student Publication! In an ag...

The Panel of the Panel – Mr. Wanders ’43 and his Eagle

The year 1943 brought devastation, depression, and darkness to Europe as World War Two raged through...

The Panel of the Panel – Teacher Collins and the Church

In June of 1993, a panel depicting Boston’s skyline, the phrase, “Let Us Go Up”  and a church...