
BH Turkey Drive Has Another Successful Year

“Did we beat last year’s number? – No, we did not.” was how Mr. George described the result of this year’s annual Turkey Drive.

Continuing the Thanksgiving tradition of giving back to local communities, the 2019 Turkey Drive once again proved a success. A total of 576 complete Thanksgiving meals were provided across New England to families and organizations who would have otherwise lacked or only had a limited meal for this celebrated holiday. This event proficiently led by the Third Form and Mr. George, while the number of meals provided was certainly astounding, the impact of each of these meals proved much more rewarding for each family that received a meaningful and quality meal for Thanksgiving.

The community service drive, spearheaded by Form III, was undertaken with the commitment, eagerness, and drive necessary to continue this meaningful tradition of helping those in need during this Thanksgiving with a focus on giving thanks. A lesson in leadership and service, which embodies the spirit of the Turkey drive, that should be remembered by Belmont Hill boys is that “to those whom much has been given . . . much is expected.”

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