“The level of engagement with Latin here is unusual and very special,” Mr. McDougal relayed to me as we sat amidst throngs of Middle Schoolers studying their declensions. “I’m looking forward to being at a school where classics enjoys a central position in the curriculum.”
Many students at Belmont Hill know Mr. McDougal from his years serving as a substitute teacher in Latin from 2014 to 2018. A Harvard graduate with an A.B. in Classics, Mr. McDougal has also taught Latin, Greek, and English at Middlesex and Groton.
Although his experience covers a wide range of schools, Mr. McDougal stated that he had always enjoyed teaching at Belmont Hill the most. “It’s a good place to teach and come to work every day,” Mr. McDougal grinned, citing a comfortable environment with both a strong faculty and a firm sense of place.
Looking forward, Mr. McDougal is excited to coach crew in the Spring, to continue teaching Latin 1, Gamma A, Latin 3, and Latin 5, and to serve a Form II advisor as they explore their class theme of “becoming a man.”